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Application Process
Each member can submit as many applications as desired, however, once a nominee is accepted, the sponsor will be placed into a 3 year waiting period. Admission is completed through an application process including information to be submitted by sponsor (card-carrying number holding lobbying member) and applicant. Admission approval will be voted upon by the MC (Membership Committee). MC will be formed annually through a random selection process drawn by the acting President & Vice President. 3 board members serving in current term and 4 card carrying non-board members will create the randomly drawn 7 MC members.
MC term will be Term will be 1 year and rotated.

Board will dictate number of new membership positions available per year. MC must decide which applicants will be approved and which applicants will not be approved. Unanimous agreement must be had by MC for an application approval. The application will be whitewashed in nature as to avoid any personal identifying information. This will best allow the applicant to be selected based on their merits and to minimize biases. Application review and approval will take place between Veteran’s Day and January 10th. MC must have results submitted to acting board by January 10th. An infraction of any rule on the application or application process, missing field, or lack of legibility will result in immediate termination of application. No exceptions. Approved applicants will be posted on the website by 5:00 PM January 20th .

Applications Requirements
Must Be Submitted by Veteran’s Day
Sponsor must submit application as an alias.
Applicant must submit application through alias.
Application PDF to be downloaded and printed.
All applications to be handwritten by sponsor and applicant.
Application must be notarized.
Application must be mailed in legal size mailer for 8.5 x 11 document to prevent folding and
Applications must be mailed to acting President.

Download and Print off Application here
PGI Application PDF


VFI is an initiative of Patriotic Gentlemen of Iowa which is a nonprofit, tax exempt charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.  Donations are tax exempt as allowed by law.

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