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VFI Install #0039 - Lone Star Style

Rounds complete on install #0039, a memorable one for VFI with it serving as our first installation outside of Iowa. We thank the good folks at DFW Iowa Club who sponsored an Iowa Veteran living in Texas. Thanks to our volunteers down south, we were able to put all of this together just before Christmas!

Rodney Shaull is originally from Williamsburg, Iowa. He entered the Marines directly from high school in 1986 and was assigned to Marine Security Forces in Sicily following initial training. He transferred to Camp Lejeune, N.C. in 1989 and participated in numerous deployments, including operations in Panama and Operations Desert Shield/Storm. He served as a recruiter in Cedar Rapids, Iowa from 1992-1996 and was honorably discharged.

Afterwards, he immediately entered employment with the Iowa Department of Corrections at the Anamosa State Penitentiary and retired from Iowa D.O.C. in 2022. Rod and his wife Beth relocated to Mineola, Texas in August of 2022.

We appreciate your service Rod!

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